Wendy Hutchinson
5 min readJun 13, 2021


My Dog Guts


I was walking my dog this morning and we ventured into the park. A husky and my dog started playing and having a blast. Then a third dog, a thick chested pit bull came in and joined in the fun and they were having the time of their life. I started filming the shenanigans. A woman with a 4th dog comes into the holding area to enter the park. All three inside run to the fence — she opens the gate and my dog runs in and past her. The other two dogs push their way forward and the lady’s dog feels threatened and gets aggressive. As I’m filming the Pit bull and 4th dog start going at in, then the husky jumps in and then I drop the phone and start running — I know my dog is going to jump in and all are in this small gated square area. The owner of dog 4 is screaming and trying to pull dogs off (not a good idea). By the time I reach the gate The husky and pit bull owners have pulled their dogs back and my dog is going at it and has her dog pinned against the fence. The owner has fallen down and is facing me with the two dogs just game on fighting behind her. I think she is in shock and just as I get to the fray, my dog is opening his mouth for another go and I am able to pull him off. Holy cow, all three of us dog owners in the park are asking if she’s OK but we can’t approach because we have our dogs leashed and can’t get close. She waves us off.

Without my video footage I wouldn’t have an accurate perspective of what went down. There would have been a lot of he said she said finger pointing to prove a point. I felt really detached the entire time, like I was observing shit go down but also involved in it. I’ve been chewing on this today, why did I have that experience? What was this showing me? My dog is also a pit bull, he is super chill. He goes to daycare every week and we have never had a problem with other dogs, so my take on this is he was pinning the 4th dog against the fence to break up the fight, keep him separate from the pack. This is my perception of events, however the 4th dog owner, obviously traumatized, thought my dog was going to kill hers. After a lot of deep thought I drew a parallel with people engaged in conflicts.

Everyone has their own perspective of the events unfolding and both perspectives may be right. They certainly are right to the people expressing their version of events. If I take this a step further and look at our ascension and our return to our higher vibrational aspects of self, everyone is taking different paths, following different beliefs, making different choices, all claiming their way is the way. All of them are right! Their way is the way for THEM! This applies to sexual orientation, racial differences, cultural differences, political differences. Every person expressing their opinion is correct from their perspective.

I always zoom out and look at events from a higher perspective. I can see how one person’s lens is creating a different narrative from another. I can read the energy of the experience as it unfolds and I’m shown like a map that is rolled out with all the moving parts, the different players, their wounds, their beliefs and history all strategically placed on the map or playing field for me to examine from a higher perspective. The exchange makes perfect sense, but instead of zooming out, people zoom in.

The Ego feels it is more important to be right, it doesn’t want to take the time to look at all sides of the story. It wants to attack and force their side of the story. When we focus on the one, we lose sight of the whole. I understand, I was that person once long ago. This need to be right, to be seen, to be validated creates a wounded response to all challenges coming forward. People come to blows, relationships break down, all over this need to prove a point and be right. How sad that humanity is coming to this place of fractured existence all because we cannot love ourselves enough to know that we are fully loved and seen and honored, but it must begin with us. When we know who we are and have full acceptance and full love of ourselves, we don’t have to fight like dogs to win or prove anything. Our energy, our knowing of who we are, self-love says it all.

When we love ourselves completely, we can walk in a room and people feel our energy, there is an unmistakable power to the person who has done their work and claimed their soul, all of it. The need to be right fades, the need to intervene, to win or even voice our opinion is quelled. Silence speaks. Now I’ve fully become the observer and I sit back with my love goggles on nodding at each side. Regardless of my feelings around the choices of the people around me, I have made peace with myself and that’s all that matters. Go off, do you, wave the flag, fight the battle, unfriend me because I won’t take your political view. I know who I am, and that’s what matters. If you are feeling emotionally triggered, the key is to turn the lens in, always go INWARD! Ask yourself what is this about for me? Know it’s OK to walk away. Live in your own integrity, treat others with respect and create boundaries that require people to respect you. Love big, live life. Allow others to fight the fight. Find inner peace within yourself. Put your love goggles on and love yourself, that seems to pave the way for higher knowledge and understanding.

As I leashed my dog and walked away, I knew we were all impacted by the unexpected turn of events. We all had our version of the story to tell and all of them would be correct. I’m glad no one was injured. All dogs walked away. All humans went their separate ways. Whatever is happening in your life, remember that we are all viewing things through our own lens. Often, it’s better to step back than go into the fray. In my case, I had to engage because my dog was involved, but even this exchange was an opportunity to come to this conclusion and write this piece on perspective. We all have a choice to enter the dog fight. Choose wisely.



Wendy Hutchinson
Wendy Hutchinson

Written by Wendy Hutchinson

As a writer, Ascension and Life Coach, and Author of “Finding the Path of Me,” I mentor people on how to live their best life. http://www.alinealifecoaching.com

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