Tempering the Blade

Wendy Hutchinson
4 min readFeb 4, 2021


When a sword is being forged there is a critical part of the process called tempering the blade. The process gives the sword flexibility and strength. Steel can be brittle and shatter like glass when it strikes something if the sword is not tempered properly. Tempering requires the blade going in the fire and when it is just the right color quickly removed and then put directly into a quenching process either in oil or water. This sets the carbon not giving it time to separate or push out of the metal. The blade can be heated again until it turns blue which gives it a little more flexibility within the crystal structures of the blade. A sword tempered and quenched can withstand much higher levels of abuse and stress.

I was pondering this tempering process as it felt like a parallel to my spiritual journey. I spent many years sitting in the fire and feeling the emotional burn as life presented one challenge after another. Many of them I battled privately and alone. The challenges strengthened me and over time provided the lessons I needed to learn flexibility and surrender. Going into those very extreme and uncomfortable life experiences I learned how to literally sit in the flames and feel the burn without running. I knew I would never conquer myself until I could be tempered by the suffering and clearing required to ascend higher.

What I did not realize when I embarked on this journey was the level of conscious choices I had to make to clear layer after layer of density and karma. With each layer of clearing came intense emotions. I had to deconstruct myself completely of all the programming: cultural and religious beliefs, social and family expectations, negative thoughts and limiting beliefs, not to mention my Ego which fought me every step of the way resisted my attempts to go higher. There were blind spots and setbacks as I did the cosmic cha cha in pursuit of my higher ascension. One step forward two steps back. Patterns repeated and were so hard to transcend, but my higher-self continued to push me to ascend, let go, and align with my truth at all costs.

I have been repeatedly thrust into the fire at just the right temperature, and when I just couldn’t take it another minute, I was quenched and given relief. I repeated this process over and over with family members, difficult work situations, friendships, within myself. Every time I went through something challenging, I was being tempered like that sword getting stronger and stronger. Over time I was bending and becoming more flexible. I started wielding my sword of truth, honing it, fighting with it, claiming it until nothing could break me anymore.

I had to learn to be a container large enough and compassionate enough to hold the emotional pain that each trial presented in my life. There were periods of complete chaos, anger, and sorrow. I leaned in instead avoiding the truth. Most people numb out, deflect, and bury truth presenting in their life. Acknowledgment of our inner most knowing means doing something about it. We often run from the things we need to face to heal to rise stronger. Love yourself through the pain. Love heals everything. I have been forged of steel and now have the strength to alchemize any situation I’m facing.

Each one of us is given a choice each day to remain the same or evolve. I choose to evolve. What I learned through the process is how resilient and strong we are as human beings. The human spirit will lift us in our darkest times. Everything is working out in perfect order even when our world is imploding, and it feels like chaos and destruction. Our biggest disappointments often turn into our biggest blessings. We must set boundaries to honor and protect our alignment with ourselves. Not everyone will understand that, especially those who are eager to press their agenda on us. Stay the course and stand in your power.

Everyone it seems is going through their own personal struggles, but we all possess the tools to rise stronger. Go deep within and get curious about your emotions, become an observer of them, ask where they are coming from. I used to think the world was against me, but it turns out I was against me. There were many limiting beliefs to release. The one thing I was searching for my entire life was here inside of me the entire time. My soul was here patiently waiting for me to stop fighting and embrace myself. When I started loving myself everything shifted. I poured the energy of love into myself, listened to my intuition, and honored my feelings instead of meeting other’s expectations.

If you are going through a lot of transitions and find yourself spiraling down in fear, check yourself. Create space to breathe, to be present to what the situations are teaching you. Know that you are merely being tempered by the events just like the tempering of the sword. If you can remain in the fire just a little longer, you will set and alchemize the energy and elements within you. Only you can save yourself and change your circumstances, no one can do it for you. You are never given anything you cannot handle. Every time you overcome something you rise stronger.

After a decade of going back and forth into the flame and into the water, I reached a tipping point. I will never shatter like glass when faced with adversity or come up against something hard in my life. I am fully aligned in my conscious choices. Nothing holds power over me, I am fearless. I am the master creator of my life instead of a victim of it. I carry within me the sword of truth that has been tempered to perfection and nothing will break me ever again.



Wendy Hutchinson
Wendy Hutchinson

Written by Wendy Hutchinson

As a writer, Ascension and Life Coach, and Author of “Finding the Path of Me,” I mentor people on how to live their best life. http://www.alinealifecoaching.com

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